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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
civil rights network - 4 Hunger strikers need critical intervention-medical notes on deterioration of health through hunger striking.
via civil rights network - no alterations made to original.
4 Republican remand prisoners commenced a protest fast almost a full calendar month ago on August 14 th Moves by the Civil Rights Network and others to obtain an independent medical examination on each has been opposed by the prison governor. We have already lodged a request for such from the UNHWR. Visitors report that their condition is visibly deteriorating with each passing day, revealing diverse factors such as spitting up, vomiting or passing blood in their urine and that all feel that eyes-sight is already impaired. Based on the report below all four have reached a critical stage and it is therefore our opinion that this protest must be resolved ASAP. We view that aim as a matter deserving public attention, which so far has been lacking in the media, therefore our sense of urgency so as to spare these inmates any permanent physical and psychological damage. That aim has been further frustrated by the fact that a case taken by the four seeking the full implementation of the “segregation clauses” of the Steele Report [2003] was judicially placed on ‘the long finger’. It was due to have been heard last week, a fact that all four find highly depressing, given their current state of health and undoubted desperate plight. o o REMAND PRISONERS’ NAMES o Brothers Dessie and Tommy Hamil: o Austin Campbell and Martin McGilloway o [All from Dungannon, Co. Tyrone.] o o REPORT FROM MEDICAL CONTACTS: o · Hunger Strikes...Firstly: How long one can last on HS depends on the starting body weight and general health of the participant...without food and with an intake of ''only'' water the 'average' person will start to deteriorate rapidly from 4-5 weeks...water should be at room temperature not cooled (to maintain core body temperature)..Salt should be circa 1 teaspoon per 4 pints...water intake should start small and work towards 6-8pints per day. Starting with 2fluid oz every half hour...
* Adverse effects on the body...4 weeks Damage to muscle * From 4 weeks on. Weakening of bone structure, hallucinations, dementia, * 5 weeks. Potential damage to internal organs, * From 5 weeks on. Potential organ failure. * Death. Can happen at any time during the HS... * Circa 45-50 days. Motion sickness & vomiting * Circa 55 days. Convulsions and fitting.
* The coming off HS can be just as dangerous...nutrients must be commenced again slowly. Many people have died after coming off due to increasing nutrition too quickly resulting in poisoning...another factor is the potential for ''food tampering'' by screws or others after a HS...Very dangerous...
Aftercare is vital and in the case of protracted HS. Intensive Therapy would be required in an outside facility to deal with health conditions ''acquired'' as a result of HS. Such as. Neurological conditions, Kidney conditions, infections, immune system problems...
The last person to come off a HS in a British Prison was transferred to an ICU and spent 10 days there before stabilising...
· NOTE TO MEDIA CONTACTS: · A daily CR Network report can be obtained on request from
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